How We Met
August 5, 2018
Evan and I met through a group of mutual friends officially (depends on who you ask lol) the summer of 2018. Yes, we did originally meet about 3 years earlier briefly but never got to know each other. I was having a Fourth of July party and my friend Megan asked if her friend Evan could come so I said sure, the more the merrier. Evan spent the majority of the party hanging out in the pool talking to my step mom and it wasn't until after the party my parents both asked me if I was friends with this person, to which I replied "don't really know him". A few days later the FB friend request was sent and we were having another pool party bbq that I had invited him to come hang out. We played corn hole for hours crushing the competition, he may or may not have pushed me in the pool (maybe it was a tickle) we laughed, hugged, exchanged numbers at the end of the night and now its almost 5 years later and we are planning a wedding!
The Proposal
August 5, 2022
Every year Ev's family takes a big family vacation to Wells Beach Maine. I absolutely LOVE the beach and had been asking him if one year we could go on the trip. This past August we finally joined the family on the trip! We happened to be there during our anniversary and he decided to wake me up (before the sun) on August 5th. All I really wanted to do was sleep in. He was rushing me out of the hotel room saying "we are going to miss the sunrise". I threw on my comfy pj's (yes I wore pajamas walking on the beach don't judge) and we took a walk down the beach a bit. It wasn't until the walk back that I noticed a person sitting tucked back in a staircase on the beach holding a camera up to her face. Something about this person reminded me of my best friend Kylie. I said out loud "Evan that looks a lot like Kylie" as he proceeded to ignore me and keep walking. I stopped walking, turned back and said "no I mean that REALLY looks like Kylie" and he said "well that's because it is". He then got down on one knee, and let me tell ya the waterworks were in full effect! He had managed to sneak my best friend up to Maine to capture our special day without me knowing a single thing. I still tear up thinking about how it all happened!
The Wedding
June 3, 2023
On a beautiful day in June, you could hear the loons on the lake as the sun rose. Nerves began to fray as the hustle and bustle began. The makeup artist arrived as everyone finished breakfast. The bride began gettin ready as the groom waited in anticipation. As the day progressed and the final preparations were made, temps rose to a high of 63. The moment was here. The father of the bride waited waited with bated breath to see his daughter in her wedding dress for the first time. His "little girl" was now a woman about to embark on one of life's most precious journeys. The suspense was too much for the tough old goat. The tears started flowing as he turned to see his baby all grown up. It was time to hand over the torch to someone else as she left the nest.
The Reception
June 10, 2023
Let the PARTY begin! As the final preparations for an EPIC party continued, the guests started arriving. As the time approached to enter the party as husband and wife, Heather finished getting ready. Welcome, for the first time as husband and wife, Heather and Evan Wallace!